Motion Bank/Choreographic Coding Labs (Frankfurt) YOU MAY DONATE NEAR HERE using your NEARWALLETĭ was generously supported from January 2017 to January 2020 by: Get your Near Wallet and be part of the MotionDAO MotionDAO is supported in part by the Near CreativeDAO Guilds We are creating an alternative cryptoeconomy:

Support making a single donation of any amount. This network is maintained and administrated by Marlon Barrios Solano as an independent art/curatorial/social innovation project. It will reflect a contemporary community interacting and embedded unstablelandscape. We are in a transitional phase and refocusing the network with a broader interdisciplinary framework. This is a social networking website connecting people concerned about innovation and experimentation on art, dance, embodiment, cognition, science, networks, post-humanism, media and the unstable landscape of contemporary culture and life.